The Site for Research on

William Hogarth (1697-1764)

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William Hogarth:

A Central Figure in


English Art

and Society

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Sources useful to the study of

William Hogarth

and his paintings and prints

Forthcoming publication:

A Hogarth Bibliography


Bernd W. Krysmanski

Did you know that, during the last six decades, Ronald Paulson has written more than sixty publications on William Hogarth? That a dozen papers on Hogarth and the London theatre are from the pen of Mary Klinger Lindberg? That Peter Wagner's Reading Iconotexts: From Swift to the French Revolution (1995) contains a modern intertextual, poststructuralist view of William Hogarth and his art? That Dennis Todd and Ronald Paulson interpret Hogarth's Cunicularii as a parody of the Adoration of the Magi? That, according to Werner Busch's Das sentimentalische Bild (1993), Hogarth's Beer Street and Gin Lane seem to allude to the wings of a Last Judgement triptych, i. e. Paradise and Hell? That Michael J. H. Liversidge published a booklet on Hogarth's Bristol Altar-Piece? That Bernd Krysmanski, in his Hogarth's Hidden Parts (2010), raises the question whether Hogarth could have had connections with the paedophilic subculture of eighteenth-century London? That Christian Ludwig von Hagedorn, as early as in 1762, wrote an excellent study on Hogarth's Analysis of Beauty?

If you didn't know and you are currently working on William Hogarth, his art, and the eighteenth-century, then you should consult the forthcoming, annotated, international two-volume Hogarth Bibliography by the German art historian and Hogarth expert, Bernd Krysmanski. This book will give you many more new insights in the vast amount of primary and secondary source literature on the famous English artist William Hogarth.
Two volumes.

Publisher: Georg Olms, Hildesheim, Zurich, New York.

ISBN 3-487-10971-9.

In the last three centuries many books, exhibition catalogues, articles and scholarly essays have been written on William Hogarth, his work, his life and times and his literary relationships, but attempts at a bibliography have been rare and indeed imperfect. This bibliography tries to avoid the drawbacks of the past and lists all printed matter which has come to the compiler's notice, from Hogarth's lifetime up to the present day. It is intended for readers who are in need of quick references concerning a single work of art or writing by or on Hogarth, or a specific subject connected with Hogarth. Part One lists all of Hogarth's paintings, drawings and engravings together with his writings in alphabetical order, each work having its special bibliographical reference. Part Two is a thematically arranged bibliography relating to miscellaneous subjects concerning Hogarth's life, his art, his attitudes to other artists and writers, as well as eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth-century criticisms of his work. This is an indispensible study for the serious student of William Hogarth and for all art historians, general historians, philologists, and other scholars working with reference to eighteenth-century England.

Author: Bernd W. Krysmanski, art historian and Hogarth scholar
Publisher: Georg Olms
Hagentorwall 7, D-31134 Hildesheim, Germany
Tel.: ++49 5121 15010; Fax: ++49 5121 150150
Publisher's email:

As the publication date of the Hogarth Bibliography has again been delayed, I would be most interested in hearing from anyone currently working on William Hogarth and his period who would like to see his/her study listed in my bibliography. Please send the full title and details of paper, thesis, or other publication (including those in progress) to the email address below as soon as possible.

Dr. Bernd Krysmanski
Krysman Press
D-46535 Dinslaken
Email: hogarth_bibliographer(AT)

Further, if you are looking for important and current books about William Hogarth, his art and times; for names of experts who have extensively written on Hogarth; for source literature on specific works (such as Hogarth's Enthusiasm Delineated, Credulity Superstition and Fanaticism, A Rake's Progress, Marriage A-la-Mode, The Sleeping Congregation, The Gate of Calais, Beer Street and Gin Lane, The Analysis of Beauty, etc.); or online essays, picture galleries and other resources on William Hogarth, then this is the site for you to both participate in and to access for vital data. Not least, if you carry out your research here you will save yourself a lot of time and trouble.


For more information, click on the area you are most interested in:

Note: This document is divided into more than one file along the above content areas. The present site only provides a main entry point. This means that you can use the information on William Hogarth without becoming overwhelmed by loading times. For a single, huge, scrolling document including full-length information, see
The Complete Site for Research on William Hogarth.

As Hogarth sees the connoisseur:

William Hogarth, 'Tailpiece' (1761)
I hope that this site is of use to you in your work, area of study or personal interest.

For research on Hogarth, see Table of Contents

For current publications on Hogarth, two special search tools are recommended for their excellent results: The Eighteenth-Century Resources search engine and kubikat, the Union Catalogue of the Art Libraries Network Florence - Munich - Paris - Rome.

The impatient student or scholar may also try one of the best general search engines:


You may also try other common search engines and directories such as Answers, AOL Search, Ask Jeeves, BASE, Bing (formerly MSN Search), Brave Search,, Carrot2, CORE, Crossref, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Dogpile, DuckDuckGo,, Exalead, Excite, Gale Academic Onefile, Get the Research, GIBIRU, Google Scholar, Ingenta Open, JSTOR (Journal Storage), JURN, looksmart, Lycos, Mendeley, MetaCrawler, Metager, mojeek, Open Directory Project (dmoz), Paperity, pearltrees, Qwant, ResearchGate, ScienceOpen, SearchEdu, SNAC (Social Networks and Archival Context), Startpage by Ixquick, Suchhaus, swisscows, Teoma, Webcrawler, WolframAlpha, WorldCat, WorldWideScience, Yahoo, Yandex and Yep. Put the search engines to the test and simply type in "Hogarth", "Hogarth AND bibliography" or "+William +Hogarth +bibliography". You will be surprised at the fairly different results.

Anything that you think a Hogarth scholar might find interesting should be posted on

Please make your entry here.The Hogarth Noticeboard Click on 'The Hogarth Noticeboard'.

For those who are able to participate in this world project in the study of William Hogarth, and those who are able to furnish me with further information about their current research or recent publications on Hogarth, may I thank you in advance.

Best wishes in your work,

Bernd Krysmanski E-Mail Me

This Hogarth site has been online since September 2000.

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